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PATROCINADOR đŸ€| BG se convierte en nuevo Patrocinador del Palencia CF 2022/23 Bangkok Glass Public Company Limited o BG ha sido reconocida como uno de los mayores proveedores de envases de vidrio de Tailandia, asĂ­ como una de las empresas mĂĄs grandes de Asia. BG tambiĂ©n posee el BGPU o BG Pathum United Football Club, que es uno de los mejores clubes de fĂștbol de la Premier League tailandesa durante mĂĄs de 10 años. BG se enorgullece de anunciar hoy que se convertirĂĄ en uno de los patrocinadores del Palencia CF para la temporada 2022/23.

Pavin Bhirombhakdi, director ejecutivo de Bangkok Glass Group of Companies, dijo: "Nuestro objetivo es expandir nuestros negocios a nivel internacional. Creemos firmemente que el potencial del club nos ayudarå a aumentar el conocimiento de la marca y explorar el mercado en España y mås allå. Estos son valores que compartimos con el Palencia CF". Este es otro gran paso para que BG realce la marca a nivel mundial. Al mismo tiempo, BG también serå socio de Training Ground de Oxford United y patrocinador de Front of Shirt para las temporadas 2022/23 y 2023/24.

BG becomes new Sponsor of Palencia CF 2022/23

Bangkok Glass Public Company Limited or BG has been recognized as one of Thailand’s largest provider of glass packaging as well as one of the largest businesses in Asia. BG also owns the BGPU or BG Pathum United Football Club which is one of the top football clubs in Thai Premier league for over 10 years. BG today proudly announces to become one of Palencia CF’s sponsors for the 2022/23 season.

Pavin Bhirombhakdi, CEO of Bangkok Glass Group of Companies said, "We aim to expand our businesses at international level. We strongly believe with the club's potential will help us to increase brand awareness and explore the market in Spain and beyond. These are values that we share with Palencia CF."

This is another big step for BG to enhance the brand at world class. At the same time, BG is also being Oxford United’s Training Ground partner and the Front of Shirt sponsor for the 2022/23 and 2023/24 seasons.

àžšàž”àžˆàž” àč€àž‹àč‡àž™àžȘàž›àž­àž™àč€àž‹àž­àžŁàčŒ Palencia CF àž€àž”àžčàžàžČàž„ 2022-23

àžšàžŁàžŽàž©àž±àž— àžšàžČàž‡àžàž­àžàžàž„àčŠàžČàžȘ àžˆàžłàžàž±àž” (àžĄàž«àžČàžŠàž™) àž«àžŁàž·àž­ àžšàž”àžˆàž” (BG) àž«àž™àž¶àčˆàž‡àčƒàž™àžœàžčàč‰àžœàž„àžŽàž•àžšàžŁàžŁàžˆàžžàž àž±àž“àž‘àčŒàčàžàč‰àž§àžŁàžČàžąàčƒàž«àžàčˆàž—àž”àčˆàžȘàžžàž”àčƒàž™àž àžčàžĄàžŽàž àžČàž„àž­àžČàč€àž‹àž”àžąàž™àčàž„àž°àžœàžčàč‰àžœàž„àžŽàž•àžšàžŁàžŁàžˆàžžàž àž±àž“àž‘àčŒàž„àžŁàžšàž§àž‡àžˆàžŁ àž—àž±àč‰àž‡àžąàž±àž‡àč€àž›àč‡àž™àč€àžˆàč‰àžČàž‚àž­àž‡àžȘàč‚àžĄàžȘàžŁàžŸàžžàž•àžšàž­àž„àžšàž”àžˆàž” àž›àž—àžžàžĄ àžąàžčàč„àž™àč€àž•àč‡àž” (BGPU) àž«àž™àž¶àčˆàž‡àčƒàž™àžȘàč‚àžĄàžȘàžŁàžŁàž°àž”àž±àžšàčàž™àž§àž«àž™àč‰àžČàčƒàž™àž„àž”àžàžȘàžčàž‡àžȘàžžàž”àž‚àž­àž‡àč„àž—àžą àčàž„àž°àž­àžąàžčàčˆàč€àžšàž·àč‰àž­àž‡àž«àž„àž±àž‡àž§àž‡àžàžČàžŁàžŸàžžàž•àžšàž­àž„àč„àž—àžąàžĄàžČàžąàžČàž§àž™àžČàž™àžàž§àčˆàžČ 10 àž›àž” àžŁàčˆàž§àžĄàč€àž›àč‡àž™àžœàžčàč‰àžȘàž™àž±àžšàžȘàž™àžžàž™àčƒàž«àč‰àžàž±àžšàžȘàč‚àžĄàžȘàžŁàž›àžČàč€àž„àž™àč€àž‹àž”àžą àž‹àž”àč€àž­àžŸ (Palencia CF) àž›àžŁàž°àč€àž—àžšàžȘàč€àž›àž™ àčƒàž™àž€àž”àžčàžàžČàž„ 2022-23

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PATROCINADOR đŸ€| Muy contentos de poder renovar un año mĂĄs como uno de los patrocinadores principales a CLÍNICAS SILOÉ DENTAL Y...


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